Annual Report
A Welcome from
Our Board Chairman



Can you help us meet the nutritional needs of our community and fight food insecurity?

A student receives food at a Kids Cafe site

Grateful families leaving with food from the Martin Elementary Mobile School Pantry

Families wait in line for food at the Lampson Elementary Mobile School Pantry

A volunteer hands out food at a Saddleback Church drive through
Second Harvest sources and purchases food for distribution to our incredible network of partners who feed the hungry in almost every city in Orange County.
We provided millions of pounds of food to houses of worship, schools, after-school programs, senior centers, homeless shelters, soup kitchens and transitional housing facilities. Our committed partners work with us to provide a critical hand up to all in need and their selfless dedication inspires us every day.
- Abrazar
- Active Christians Today
- Age Well Senior Services
- AIDS Service Foundation DBA Radiant Health Centers
- Anaheim Independencia
- Anaheim United Methodist Church
- Baden Powell Elementary
- Ball Junior High
- Bayview Landing Apartments
- Bel'Age Apartments
- The Bell Tower Foundation/RSM Cares
- Betsy Ross Elementary
- Bowers Kidseum
- Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park
- Boys & Girls Club of Garden Grove
- Boys & Girls Club of La Habra
- Boys & Girls Club of Rancho Santa Margarita
- Boys & Girls Club of Stanton
- Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area
- Boys & Girls Club of Tustin
- Boys & Girls Club of Westminster
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Capistrano Valley – Aliso Viejo
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Capistrano Valley – San Juan Capistrano
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Orange Coast – Santa Ana
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley – Oak View
- Boys Hope Girls Hope
- Bracken's Kitchen
- Brea Senior Center
- Bridge Community Church
- Bryant Elementary
- Buena Clinton Youth & Family Center
- Buena Park Senior Center
- Calvary Chapel Fullerton
- Calvary Chapel Westgrove Bread of Life Pantry
- Cambridge Elementary
- Carbon Creek Shores Senior Apartments
- Casa Bella Apartments
- Casa Santa Maria Apartments
- Catholic Charities of Orange County
- Cathy Torrez Learning Center
- Chapman University
- Christ Cathedral Community Outreach
- Christ Lutheran Church
- Christian Services Corporation
- Church of Christ Buena Park
- City of Buena Park
- Coast Hills Community Church
- Coastline Community College – Fountain Valley
- Coastline Community College – Garden Grove
- Coastline Community College – Newport Beach
- Commonwealth Elementary
- Community Garden Towers Senior Apartments
- Community Outreach Alliance
- Companerismo Rey de Reyes
- Connected Blessings – Anaheim
- Connected Blessings – Yorba Linda
- Cool Water Ministries
- Cornucopia Services
- Costa Mesa Senior Center
- Crossline Community Church
- Cypress College
- Cypress Senior Citizens Center
- Cypress Sunrise Village Senior Apartments
- Dale Junior High
- Dana Point Senior Center
- Delhi Center
- Disney Elementary
- Edison Elementary – Anaheim
- Edison Elementary – Santa Ana
- El Camino Park
- El Cerrito Elementary
- El Modena Family Resource Center
- El Sol Science & Arts Academy
- EngAGE
- Esplanade Elementary
- Faith Deliverance Apostolic Church
- Families Forward
- Families Together of Orange County
- Family Assistance Ministries
- Father Serra's Food Pantry – Mission Basilica
- First Church of the Nazarene
- First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton
- First Lutheran of Fullerton Caring Hands Food Pantry
- First Presbyterian Church of Garden Grove
- First Presbyterian Church of Orange
- First Step House@ Charle Street
- Food For Christ @ The Rock Anaheim
- Friendly Center
- Friendship Baptist Church
- Fullerton College
- Fullerton Community Center
- G.R.A.C.E. Social and Medical Service
- Garden Grove Friends Church
- Garfield Elementary
- Giving Children Hope
- Golden West College
- Goodwill Industries of OC
- Gospel Light Church of God in Christ
- Grandma's House of Hope
- Grateful Hearts
- Grijalva Park
- Hart Homes Community Inc.
- Heart of Downtown Food Co-Op
- Heart of the City
- Helen Estock Elementary
- Helping Others Prepare for Eternity
- Heritage Elementary
- Heritage Park Anaheim Senior Apartments
- Heritage Village Senior Apartments
- His Place Church
- Holy Family SVDP
- Hope House Corporation
- Hope Lutheran Church
- Horace Mann Elementary
- Huntington Villa Apartments
- ICNA Relief
- Iglesia del Nazareno Comunidad De Fe
- Il Shim Senior Association
- Illumination Foundation
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Church SVDP
- Islamic Society of OC
- Jamboree Housing
- The Jasmine Senior Apartments
- Journey Evangelical Church
- Juliette Low Elementary
- Killefer Park
- Korean Community Services
- La Habra Community Center
- La Habra Hills Presbyterian Church
- La Purisima Church
- La Semilla
- Laguna Food Pantry
- Lampson Elementary
- L'Arche Wavecrest/Abraham House
- Las Positas Elementary
- Latino Health Access
- Laura's House
- Lestonnac Free Clinic
- Liberty at Aliso Senior Apartments
- LifeSteps
- Lincoln Elementary
- Livingstone Community Health Clinic
- Los Alamitos Recreation and Community
- Lutheran Church of the Cross
- Lutheran Social Services
- Magnolia Park Family Resource Center
- Mariner's Church
- Martin Elementary
- Mary's Kitchen
- Mattie Lou Maxwell Elementary
- Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living
- Melrose Elementary
- The Men with Vision
- Mental Health Association of OC
- Miracles for Kids Inc.
- Miraloma Park Family & Resource Center
- Mission Hospital
- Mission of Faith
- Native American United Methodist Church
- Nelson Elementary
- Newport Church
- Newsong Community Church
- NOCE Anaheim
- Norman P. Murray Community Center
- North Orange Christian Church
- Oak View Elementary
- Orange Coast College
- Orange County Educational Arts Academy
- Orange County Rescue Mission
- Orange Senior Center
- Orangethorpe Christian Church
- Orangethorpe United Methodist
- Orangeview Junior High
- Orangewood Foundation
- Pacific Drive Elementary
- Pathways of Hope
- Patrick Henry Elementary
- Paul Revere Elementary
- Peters K-3 Elementary
- Placentia Human Services
- Placentia Senior Center
- Ponderosa Elementary
- Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center
- The Priority Center
- Project Access
- Project Dignity
- Project SHUE
- Pyles Elementary
- The Raise Foundation
- RH Dana Elementary
- Romero-Cruz Academy
- Roosevelt Elementary
- Roque Center, Inc.
- Rose Drive Friends Church
- Sabil USA
- Saddleback Church
- Salk Elementary
- The Salvation Army – Orange County
- San Antonio de Padua Del Canon Church
- San Clemente Senior Center
- San Francisco Solano Church
- San Juan Capistrano Community Center
- Santa Ana High
- Santiago Canyon College
- Satellite Healthcare Dialysis, Inc.
- Schweitzer Elementary
- Seasons at La Palma Senior Apartments
- Serve The People
- Seventh-day Adventist Church – Anaheim
- Seventh-day Adventist Church – Fullerton
- Share Our Selves
- Skyview Elementary
- Solara Court Senior Apartments
- Someone Cares Soup Kitchen
- Son Light Christian Center
- South County Outreach
- Southlands Church
- St. Anselm Episcopal Church
- St. Anthony Claret Church
- St. Bonaventure Church
- St. Boniface Catholic Church SVDP
- St. Cecilia's Christian Service
- St. Columban SVDP
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton SVDP
- St. Irenaeus Hope
- St. Joseph Elementary
- St. Juliana SVDP
- St. Justin Martyr SVDP
- St. Kilian Catholic Church
- St. Mary's Church
- St. Michael's Society
- St. Norbert's Christian Service
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church
- St. Philip Benizi SVDP
- St. Timothy Catholic Church
- St. Vincent de Paul Church
- Stanbridge University
- Stanton Family Resource Center
- Sterling Court Senior Apartments
- Straight Talk/Gerry House
- Summer Harvest Food for Kids, Inc
- Sycamore Junior High
- Sycamore Magnet
- Teen Challenge of Southern California
- Topaz Elementary
- Tustin Area Senior Center
- Tustin Family & Youth Center
- Tyrol Plaza Senior Apartments
- UCI FRESH Basic Needs Hub
- Valencia Park Elementary
- Valley High School
- Vanguard University
- VCC: The Gary Center
- Villa Anaheim Senior Apartments
- Villa Fundamental
- Village Bible Church
- Village Center Apartments
- Vineyard Christian Fellowship Anaheim
- Vintage Aliso Senior Apartments
- Vintage Canyon Senior Apartments
- Vintage Shores Senior Apartments
- Violette Elementary
- Walter Elementary
- Washington Elementary
- Washington Middle School
- Welcome House Gilbert
- West Anaheim United Methodist
- West Orange Elementary
- Westmont Elementary
- Whispering Fountains Senior Apartments
- Whitten Community Center
- Wilson Elementary
- Wintersburg Presbyterian Church
- Women's 12 Step House
- Woodbury Elementary
- Woodcrest Elementary
- YMCA of Orange County
- Yorba Linda Community Center
- Yorba Linda Food For Families
- Youth Center of Orange
- Zion Lutheran Church
Partners during the period 7/1/2020-6/30/2021
- Needed ……………..29.3M lbs.
- Donated ……..15.3M lbs.
- Rescued ………….7.2M lbs.
- Est. Purchases …….6.8M lbs.
- Funds Needed ………$2.9M

The hardworking Bañuelos family, a family of four in Garden Grove, faced challenging times this year because of under-employment and COVID-19. Without consistent income, it became impossible for them to pay rent and afford food to meet their children’s nutritional needs. They turned to us.


As a connected community of 3.2 million people, we must open our eyes to the reality that hunger lives in the shadows of every city in Orange County. But because even the three largest anti-hunger/anti-poverty organizations can only do so much, we formed the Orange County Hunger Alliance that now leverages a unified approach to making a lasting impact.
Our unique alliance will tackle harmful systemic issues by increasing food distribution efficiencies, minimizing food waste and breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty. When we succeed in these efforts, Orange County will emerge stronger than ever before, ensuring a promising future for everyone in our county.
“If food insecurity isn’t solved, then poverty, housing, social justice, health and education outcomes remain at risk.”
-Gregory C. Scott, President & CEO, CAP OC

A staggering 48.8% of OC public schoolchildren rely on free or reduced-price lunch programs. That’s why we provide food for more than 65 elementary, middle, high school and community programs across the county.

Our College Pantry Program partners with 14 local college campuses to provide students with consistent access to nutritious food. This effort is crucial to helping students stay in school, graduate and contribute to the success of Orange County.

1 in 4 OC senior citizens experiences hunger and food insecurity. Our Senior Grocery Program delivers a variety of fresh, perishable items to participating low-income senior apartment complexes and senior centers throughout the county.
FY 2021
Donated Food & Services | $91,543,561 | |
Contributions | $12,704,268 | |
Grants & Awards | $3,145,595 | |
Events & Solicitations | $3,184,161 | |
Contract Revenue & Participation Fees | $7,250,891 | |
Other Income | $13,441 | |
Total Revenue | $117,841,917 |
Program Services | $104,081,291 | |
Management & General | $2,135,614 | |
Fundraising | $1,663,785 | |
Total Expenses | $107,880,690 |
Financials presented are pre final audit.
In accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the value of donated food and professional services is treated as in-kind revenue and in-kind expense. In FY2021 Program Services included in-kind expense totaling $90,316,665.
Board of

Dave Coffaro
Strategic Advisory Consulting Group

Tracy Bryars
St. Jude Medical Center

Katherine Le
Mortgage Service Providers
Board Members

Salman Alam
Western Digital

Kathy Bronstein
KB Bronstein Merchandising and Management Consulting

Joe Fuszard
Bank of America

Dan Grable
Goodman North America

David Hasenbalg
City National Bank

Melissa Hill
Albertsons, Vons and Pavilions

Kate Klimow
University of California, Irvine

Jim Morris
Rutan & Tucker

Rob Neal
Hager Pacific Properties

Brigid Noonan
Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Alex Parker
Redline Detection & Harvesters

John Ralls
Community HealthComm

Teddie Ray
Community Leader & Real Estate Investment Specialist

Gregory Scott
Community Action Partnership Orange County
We Couldn’t Do
This Without You
Thank You
- 786 Foundation
- Thomas and Bonnie Abate
- Abbott Medical Optics
- AbbVie Employee Engagement Fund
- Cara Abrahams
- Janice Abshier
- Salman and Erum Alam
- The Albertsons Companies Foundation
- Larry and Sophia Alexander
- Tracy Allen Friedmann
- Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP
- The Allstate Foundation
- ALM Fund
- Sean Ambrosius
- William and Fay Amneus
- Anaheim Community Foundation
- Anaheim Free Methodist Church
- Don and Ginger Anderson
- Robert and Sheryl Anderson
- The Angell Foundation
- Anthem
- Apple
- AR Industries
- Elaine Archer
- Argyros Family Foundation
- Arlo Technologies, Inc.
- Arrowhead Evaluation Services
- Michelle Aszterbaum
- Roxanne Austin
- Avago Technologies
- The B&B Charitable Giving Fund
- Paul Baeyens
- David Bailey
- Joshua Balbuena
- Bank of America Charitable Foundation
- Nicole Baril
- Robert and Coco Barnum
- Susan Barnum
- Ali Bartholomew
- Robert Bartholomew
- Doug and Kathleen Bauer
- BayWa r.e.
- Beachpoint Apartments
- Beim Foundation
- Jana Black
- Kirk and Teresa Blower
- Boeing
- BoxLunch
- Christopher and Danielle Bressoud
- Mike Brett
- Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Brezin
- Seth Brindis and Stephanie Reich
- Bristol Farms
- Kathy Bronstein
- Liane Brouillette
- Louis Burgener
- Dan Burk
- California Foundation for Stronger Communities
- California Milk Advisory Board
- Bridget and Argyle Campbell
- Jack and Ronnie Cancellieri
- Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
- Karen Caplan
- Capstone Headwaters
- Robert Carvalho
- Jacqueline and Michael Casey
- Robert and Trisha Cavecche
- CEO Leadership Alliance Orange County
- Richard Cermak
- P.C. and Rosana Hsu Chao Foundation
- Mark Chapin Johnson Foundation
- Chapple Family Charitable Fund
- Chick-Fil-A
- Circle K International
- Citizens Business Bank
- City National Bank
- CJW Construction, Inc.
- David R. Clare and Margaret C. Clare Foundation
- Kenneth and Patti Clasen
- Marie Clemons
- The Click Family Foundation
- CMGRP, Inc.
- Carrie and David Coffaro
- Steve and Cheryl Coffey
- Estate of Monsignor Brian P. Coghlan
- Said Cohen Foundation
- Deann Collins
- Louis Columbus
- Frank and Helen Comerford
- Compass Real Estate
- Roxanne and Bill Comrie
- Diane and James Connelly
- CoreLogic
- Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP
- Cox Communications
- The James M. Cox Foundation
- Crate & Barrel
- Kim and Richard Crawford
- CRC Insurance Services
- The Crean Foundation
- Andrew and April Crisp
- Crocs
- Crowdstrike Foundation
- Sean Culmer
- Curci Fund
- Dave and Heidi Current
- Cushman & Wakefield
- CVS Health
- Darden Foundation
- Debra David
- Cameran and Joshua Davis
- Peggy L. Day and Delos Knight
- David and Michele De Wenter
- DevTo Support Foundation
- Sheri and Chris Dialynas
- Diederich Family Trust
- Jennifer Dietz
- The Dillon Fund
- Roy and Patricia Disney Family Foundation
- Disneyland Resort
- Michael DiStefano
- Documotion Research, Inc.
- The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
- Leo and Elizabeth Drew
- Dubchansky Family Foundation
- Greg and Dorothy Duncan
- Jennifer Duran
- Denice Dusablon
- The Eagle Quest Charitable Fund
- Early Autumn, Inc.
- Early Family Charitable Fund
- Edwards Lifesciences Foundation
- Fredrick Ekstein
- Eldridge Family Charitable Fund
- Margaret Elliot
- Enterprise Holdings Foundation
- e-PlanSoft
- Factory Reproductions
- Chip and Helen Fedalen
- Feeding America
- Ashley and Branden Fella
- Finance of America Cares
- Finastra
- Jerome A. Fink Foundation
- First Christian Church
- First Lutheran of Fullerton
- First Republic Bank
- Lissette Fisher
- FivePoint Communities
- Kenna Florie
- The Fluor Foundation
- Jennifer Fonseca
- Ford Dealers Advertising Association of Southern California
- Fresh Produce & Floral Council
- Paul and Joyce Friedman
- Friedman-Kline Family Foundation
- Fry Family Foundation
- Garrett Stiepel Ryder LLP
- Trudi and David Gartley
- Jeff Gehl
- Tammy Gelerter
- General Mills, Inc.
- Curtis Gerlach
- Steven Gex
- Beverly Gifford
- Ali Gilani and Samah Haggag
- John Gillespie
- Giorgio Armani
- Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP
- Josephine Herbert Gleis Foundation
- Global Trade Works, LLC
- Golden State Foods
- Goodman North America Management, LLC
- Beverly Graham
- Lorna C Greenhill
- Thomas Gregory and Vicki Sommer
- Tom Greninger
- Jeffrey Griffith
- The John C. Griswold Family Foundation
- Virginia Grogan
- The William, Jeff and Jennifer Gross Foundation
- Wayne and Julia Guenther
- Carmen and Barbara Gullo
- Timothy and Amy Guth
- Lorraine and Thomas Gyulay
- In Honor of Jana Hackett
- Katherine Hall
- O.L. Halsell Foundation
- Rondell and Joyce Hanson
- Pamela Harford
- Karen and Daniel Harley
- Michael Harley
- Jill Harmon
- Todd Harris
- Harris Freeman Foundation
- Harry's Heroes, Inc.
- Richard Hartman
- David and Diana Hasenbalg
- Adam Hauptman
- Trudy Haussmann
- Kathleen Hawley
- HCC Life Insurance Company
- HDS Distilling
- Healthpeak Properties
- Olivia Heiberg
- Brenda Heller
- Harald and Courtney Herrmann
- The Hexberg Family Foundation
- Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
- Jane Hodgdon
- The Hohener Family Fund
- Tyler Holcomb
- Robert and Candace Holland
- John and Virginia Holtman
- Timothy Hopkins
- Rick and Tami Horstmann
- Houser LLP
- Ron Hudson
- Pat Hunker
- Trust of Ruth Ann Hyson
- Immunant
- Interfresh
- International Paper Foundation
- Chris and Fiona Ivey
- The Jaffe Family Foundation
- Reza Jahangiri
- Brion and Bonnie Jeannette
- Jersey Mike's
- J and C Jodhka Family Foundation
- Johnson & Johnson
- Jill Johnson-Tucker and Larry Tucker
- Paul Jones
- Damien and Yvonne Jordan
- Karen Jordan
- Nicole and Stephen Joseph
- The Joseph Family Foundation
- JP Morgan Chase Foundation
- Rae Juliano
- K World Cuisine, Inc.
- Norman Kahn
- Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
- Golnoosh Kalkhoran
- Paul Kariya
- Dino Katsiametis
- Alan Kaye
- Terry Keenen
- Kehl Family Fund
- Brian Kelly
- The Kelsey Family Foundation
- Holly and Mark Kerslake
- Melody Kiang
- Randa and Dean Kim
- The Alberta S. Kimball – Mary L. Anhaltzer Foundation
- Carol Kiminskas
- Scott and Susan Kisting
- Kiva Foundation
- Lisa Klarin
- Kate Klimow and David Golbeck
- Ashish and Sugeeta Kohli
- Kohl's
- Kevin Kojian
- Kore1, LLC
- Kowloon Wholesale Seafood Company, Inc.
- Kraft Foods Foundation
- Kramer Family Foundation
- Andrew Kramer Foundation
- Barbara and John Kraus
- Phyllis Kruckenberg
- Ru-Li and Julie Kung
- Carl and Robin LaBarbera
- Latcha+Associates
- Latham & Watkins, LLP
- Omar Latif
- Cathie Lawler
- James Lawson
- LBA Realty
- Diana Leach
- The Ralph and Eleanor Leatherby Family Foundation
- Ledcor Contractors Group, Inc.
- Maxwell and Ying Lee
- The Lester Family Charitable Fund
- Kate Levering-Jahangiri
- Rachel Levin
- Michael and Katherine Lewis
- Liberty Commercial Finance
- Chris Liu
- loanDepot
- Lockton Cares
- Mike Long
- Loro Piana
- LPA, Inc.
- Luxe Real Estate
- James Mac Pherson
- MacKenzie Corp
- Joe MacPherson Foundation
- Macro-Z-Technology Company
- Macy's/Bloomingdale's Corporate Services, Inc.
- Heather and James Madden
- Mark Malatesta
- Thomas Marshall
- Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
- Masco Corporation
- Kent and Lisa Matranga Family Foundation
- Winslow Maxwell Charitable Trust
- Mazda Foundation (USA), Inc.
- Stephen and Susan McArthur
- McGraw-Hill
- Keith Mckay
- Jeri and Daniel McKenna
- Kathy Mckinley
- Liz McKinley
- The John L McQuade Revoc. Trust
- Meritage Cares Foundation
- MicroVention, Inc.
- Hassan Milani
- MilkPEP
- Kelly and Thomas Mitchell
- Michael Mitchell
- The Moca Foundation
- John Mooney and Angela Tripoli
- Jim and Susanne Moore
- Morgan Stanley Foundation
- MUFG Union Bank Foundation
- Nancy and Rick Muth
- Nancy Naftel
- Behrouz and Natasha Namdari
- Nationwide Insurance Foundation
- NBC4
- Alison Needham
- John Negus
- Rick and Kim Nelson
- Netflix DVD
- Thomas and Debbie Newmeyer
- Newport Dunes Resort
- Marianne and Robert Nibeel
- Nobbs Family Foundation
- Nordstrom, Inc.
- Northwestern Mutual Foundation
- Joseph and Ann Obegi
- Oceanic, Inc.
- Sue Ellen and Paul O'Connor
- OCSC Foundation
- Jane Olin and Tim Jerkovich
- OneOC
- Orange County Community Foundation
- Orange County Resilience Fund
- Orange County United Way
- Larry Overman
- Pacific Life Foundation
- Pacific Logistics Corp
- Pacific Western Bank
- Pappas Family Foundation
- Parallel Capital Partners
- Alex and Zachary Parker
- Glenn Pascall
- Pass & Seymour
- Raj Patel
- Paypal Charitable Giving Fund
- Robert Peirson
- The Peoples Bank
- Jill Petroff
- Dominic Petrucci
- John and Sherry Phelan
- Phileo Foundation
- Anne Phillips
- Constance Phillips
- Phoenix Planning and Construction Services, Inc.
- Suzanne Pipkin
- Playstation Cares
- The Pool Guys Remodeling & Repair
- Michael Prather
- David Pyle
- Quicksilver Fund
- R and K Family Fund
- Ralphs, Food 4 Less and The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger Zero Waste Foundation
- Raymond Handling Solutions
- RealPage, Inc.
- Roger Reading
- Daria and Kenneth Reed
- Robert and Isabel Reeves
- Jan and Roy Reimer
- Joel Reiss
- Mary Rempel
- Revival Church of Irvine
- Cheryl and Ralph Rodgers
- Joanne Roh
- Bruce and Carolyn Rouleau
- RS Crum, Inc.
- RSM US Foundation
- Rushmore Loan Management Services
- Peter and Mary Russo Family Foundation
- Rutan & Tucker, LLP
- Teri and Bill Saddler
- Saints Simon & Jude Catholic Church
- The Salehi Law Group
- SCAN Health Plan
- Virginia Schloemer
- Sherrill A Schoepe Irrevocable Trust
- SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
- Perry Schonfeld
- Jim and Suzanne Schraith
- Robert Schrimmer
- Linda and Jeff Schulein
- Linda Schumann
- Kylie Schuyler Hodge and Douglas Hodge
- Schwab Charitable Fund
- SDGE A Sempra Energy Utility
- Shishir Shah
- Share Our Strength
- Dina Sherman
- The Sikand Foundation, Inc.
- Karanvir Singh
- Susan Skara
- The James & Glenys Slavik Family Foundation
- Smiley Wang-Ekvall, LLP
- Amber Smith
- Michael and Sherrill Smith
- Steve and Georgiann Smith
- Vinny and Tori Smith
- Society of American Military Engineers – OC Post
- Solteros Apts 1A
- James Sommerville
- Southface Institute
- Michele Soutner
- Spectrum Plastics Group – San Clemente
- The Springer Charitable Fund
- St. Joseph Health
- Starbucks Coffee Company
- State Farm Insurance Companies
- Stauber Performance Ingredients
- OC Community Foundation/Richard and Elizabeth Steele Endowment
- Joan Stephenson and Dr. David Stephenson
- Dr. Sharon Stevenson
- Brian Stock
- Stonefire Grill, Inc.
- Storehouse Foundation
- Strauss Generational Family Charitable Fund
- Subaru of America, Inc.
- Subway Restaurant
- Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Sullivan
- Christine Sullivan
- SunTerra Produce
- The Keith and Judy Swayne Family Foundation
- Mark Sweetman
- The Swinerton Foundation
- Sysco
- Mary and Robert Taddeo
- Marian Tang
- Target Enterprise, Inc.
- Bart and Deborah Thomsen
- Michael Timmons
- TJX Companies, Inc.
- TJX Foundation, Inc.
- Toshiba America
- TSMC North America
- Cynthia Tusan
- Ueberroth Family Foundation
- Ugalde Family Charitable Foundation
- Gene Underwood
- United Healthcare Group
- UPS Foundation
- US Venture Partners
- Victor and Vivian Valdez
- Madeline and Eleanor Van Buren
- Laura and Tim Vanderhook
- Richard and Roxana VerWayne
- Michael Vevik
- Jon and Robin Visser
- Chris Vogt and Julie Larsen
- Valaree Wahler
- Wallace Air Cargo Group, Inc.
- Walmart Foundation
- The Walt Disney Company Foundation
- Edward Wang
- Tom Ward
- Warne Family Charitable Foundation
- Deborah and Gregory Warren
- Doris and Michael Weinbaum
- Melinda Welch
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- Wescom Credit Union We Care Foundation
- Western Digital Foundation
- Clio Wetmore
- David and Mable Wheeler
- Jeff Wheeler
- Rick White
- Howard Whittaker
- Whole Foods Market
- Joan M. Wismer Foundation
- Bill Witte and Keiko Sakamoto
- Wolfsburg West
- Bob and Mary Beth Wolpert
- Wright Ford Young & Co.
- Carl E. Wynn Foundation
- Yardi Systems, Inc.
- Varooge Yerganian
- The Don Yoder Foundation
- Trust of Carolyn Young
- Robert and Mildred Young
- Nancy and Arn Youngman
- Trisha Yount
- Sharon and Randy Zacky
Names listed are based on gifts of certain criteria made 7/1/2020-6/30/2021. We apologize for any names inadvertently omitted.
We Couldn’t Do
This Without You
Thank You
In-Kind Donors
- 711 Inc – Flex Logistics Inc
- Abound Food Care
- Alcoa
- American Red Cross
- Andrew & Williamson Fresh Produce
- Anonymous
- AR Industries
- Argo Jal Cooling
- Ben's Original / Mars Food
- Beyond Meat
- Bimbo Bakeries
- Burnette Foods
- Bush Bros & Co
- C & E Farms Inc
- Chefs to End Hunger
- Choice Produce
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Coca-Cola
- Conagra Brands
- Cox Communications Orange County
- Crystal Valley West
- Danone White Wave
- Disneyland Resort
- Dole Foods
- Eloa Corporation
- EVR Foods
- Feeding America
- Fresh Quality Produce, Inc.
- Frieda's Inc.
- Fyffe's North America Inc.
- GAB Operations LLC
- Galot, Inc.
- General Mills
- Girl Scouts of Orange County
- Gourmet Foods
- Health-Ade
- K World Cuisine, Inc
- KanPak
- KeHE Distributors
- Kellogg Company
- Khee Trading Co
- King Arthur Flour Co.
- Kraft Foods
- Maui Fresh International
- McLane Hunger Solutions
- Michael Cutler Co.
- Minor Figures
- Mondelez International / Nabisco
- Nestle Distribution
- PAB Produce
- Pasta Montana LLC
- Positive Beverage
- Premier Nutrition / Heritage Foods
- The Produce Connection
- The Produce Exchange
- Pulmuone Foods USA
- Rainbow Sandals
- Red Gold Duluth
- Redwood Produce Inc
- Richard Barrett Produce Co, Inc
- Roland Foods
- Sam's Club
- Schwan's Food Service
- Seeds of Hope
- Sierra Produce
- Smithfield Foods
- South Coast Plaza
- Sprouts
- SunOpta
- Taylor Farms Inc
- Trader Joe's
- TreeHouse Foods, Inc.
- Tricar Sales
- Triple H Produce
- US Foods DC
- Van Law Food Products
- Veg Fresh
- Veg Land
- Vision Produce Company
- Vita Coco
- Vons/Pavilions
- Walmart FC #4078
- Westlake Produce
- World Class Distribution
Names listed are based on gifts of certain criteria made 7/1/2020-6/30/2021. We apologize for any names inadvertently omitted.